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Let’s Celebrate This Blue Monday
Article Samantha Rutt Article Samantha Rutt

Let’s Celebrate This Blue Monday

18th January, aka 'Blue Monday' is the day that we register and acknowledge as the most depressing day of the year. I have heard it said that this is because it's the week before payday, and after usually being paid early in December it’s a long wait to that post Christmas payday, or that the weather is more depressing as you're not quite in the embrace of autumn or spring. I have even heard that you could be depressed because of the extra weight you put on over the festive period and although you're sticking to your New Year's resolution 'diet' you're still not seeing the scales tip in your favour as much as you would like. Actually, the real story behind 'Blue Monday’ was commercial. Yep... a travel programme came up with their calculation of when the most miserable day of the year was back in 2005 and bingo, airline tickets picked up!

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